Millions of People Lack Clean Water

Throughout Central America people wash, clean, and drink unsafe water. This leads to widespread sickness and thousands upon thousands of preventable deaths every year. Just in Honduras and Guatemala more than 8 million people lack water suitable for human consumption.


Agua Pura is a ministry that trains, accompanies and mobilizes local churches in Central America to join in the Great Commission by making disciples and distributing water filters that purify water by 99.9%. These life saving filters cost only $70 and can last up to 20 years!

Water Filters & Gospel Opportunities

our main objectives

  1. That each member of the family be challenged to recognize Jesus as their only and sufficient personal Savior

  2. That all members of the family now have access to clean, safe water through a filter

how the ministry works

We have two very clear objectives for each family who receives a filter from Agua Pura and our local church partners. We achieve our two main objectives through five visits that each beneficiary family receives from the local church leadership. We are currently reaching families in need of clean water in 11 states in Honduras and 6 in Guatemala.
All of this has been possible through God’s provision and through our ministry partner The Bucket Ministry, who pioneered the uniquely simple water filter solution that the Agua Pura teams distribute.

Teaming with Local Churches + Pastors


Our Agua Pura team works with local pastors all over Honduras and Guatemala to teach them how to assemble and maintain The Bucket Ministry’s water filter system, as well as training the local pastors in the best ways to use the water filter as a ministry tool. For each family that receives a filter, the pastor goes back 4 times to check on the filter and pray with the family. These visits are a powerful way to draw each family nearer to God and their local church!

Physical and Spiritual Impact

Thousands of people right now have access to clean water through the filters that we have distributed through each of our partner churches and pastors. The physical impact is reflected in the health of children and adults. The Spiritual impact is seen as the testimony of Jesus is expanding through the local churches.

We thank God, the Serve Hope leadership, and each donor because Agua Pura directly impacts the physical and spiritual health of the most vulnerable families in these countries.

Serve Hope - The Bucket Ministry, Honduras, Day 2 (82 of 98).jpg

“But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never thirst; but the water that I will give him will be in him a fountain of water springing up into eternal life.”

John 4: 13-14

Results 2023

  • In Honduras we carry out an average of 42 weekly visits in each impacted community with a result of 1,400 families benefiting throughout the year.

  • Our team in Guatemala carried out 25 weekly visits and follow-ups, which allowed us to impact 732 families in the communities of Chimaltenango throughout 2023.


The Ramos family belongs to the leadership of a church in the "Las Crucitas" community. On each visit we have developed a relationship of trust that allows us to share times of communion, prayer and meditation on the word of God, even with people of another religion. This family has shown us that a filter has an impact on a high level of connection. We are grateful and hopeful for all that God has allowed us to achieve through the Agua Pura ministry.

The Ramos Family, Las Crucitas, Honduras.

Give to Agua Pura

Giving to agua pura fuels our ability to provide clean water to families across Latin America.

La Alameda, Guatemala